11 AM

Our service subjects and presenters are listed in our monthly newsletter. You can see them when you click the link below

Services are held at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday at our fellowship building at 801 Georgia Street.

We welcome members, friends, visitors, and the just-curious to our worship services.

The topic and style of our services varies week by week; you can find our future service topics in our Newsletter or on the services pages here.

Since our services are driven by themes which relate to our own lives rather than a set religious calendar or pattern of scripture readings, your suggestions of topics, readings, music, meditations, and other resources are always welcomed.

Ever wonder about Unitarian Universalist Services of Worship? Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions about our Sunday service:

When does your service start?

The worship service is at 11:00 a.m. The service lasts about 1 hour. This service is followed by a time of informal conversation and refreshments; some people leave immediately after the service ends, others linger for some time.

Do I have to get dressed up?

Feel free to wear what is most comfortable. You will be welcomed for who you are, not what you wear. After all, this is Key West; if it's good enough for Duval Street - it's good enough for us!

What do our kids do?

Children attend the service for the first fifteen minutes most Sundays before going to their religious education classes. Several Sundays in the year consist of intergenerational worship when we worship together for the whole hour. Also, a child who prefers to stay for the service is welcome on any Sunday (that includes infants and toddlers who are not disruptive).

Where do I go when I arrive?

You'll enter through our main door on Georgia Street closest to Petronia. As you enter the main door, you will be in our Gathering Room where you will find a visitor's table, staffed by volunteers who would be glad to answer any questions. They will also welcome you and provide you with a nametag, if you're willing.  The Gathering Room also contains our Library, and you should feel free to browse (and borrow if some book catches your eye or spirit).

At the door to the sanctuary, an usher will offer you an order of service and hymnal so you can participate in the program. But, on most Sundays all the information you will need (including words to the songs) will be projected up front.

What will happen in the service?

You will find that while our services vary from week to week, there are some common elements:

Our Gathering Music sets the tone; we try to respect this time of gathering in silence.
This is followed by congregational singing and signing of our Invocation, Spirit of Life.For most of our times of singing, an invitation is made to rise in body or spirit; when you see the Worship Leader rise or gesture to rise, you may do so if you wish.
We then offer an opportunity for individuals to share short personal statements about joys, sorrows, concerns, and synchronicities in their lives before we greet each other
This is followed by lighting of the flame of a chalice - a representation of the symbol of Unitarian Universalism.
Opening Words then introduce the theme of thought and reflection for that Sunday, followed by another opportunity for congregational singing.
Words for All Ages follow - stories and reflections for your children. Then the children leave for their program (sung out to their class by the congregation: May Peace surround you, May Love surround you, As you go on your way).
We usually will have several readings (from religious and secular sources), a musical selection, and the major presentation (sermon, panel, play, etc.).
This is followed by a time of spoken and silent meditation, then another hymn, a benediction, and a musical selection.
We end with a time of community.  We welcome our visitors and guests and share announcements about our congregational life before our chalice flame is extinguished. We then adjourn to refreshments and conversation

You will not be asked say or do anything that you do not choose; ours is a religion of choice!  And don't worry: standing, sitting, remaining silent out of synch with others will not be considered offensive. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to give us a call at 305.296.4369 or send an email to